I'm talking about the National Anthem of course.
Watching the Budweiser Shootout last night a band I have never heard of, Zac Bown, and they were pretty good. It kinda' bristles my britches when I hear a singer or band giving 'their artistic rendition' of the NA. Man! Unless you're Jimmie Hendrix give the NA it's 'props, yo!"
More specifically I refer to the likes Roseanne Bar. She tore the song into shreds and I don't mean that in a flattering way.
I have passed this link around after receiving it from my most charming cousin Linette. Linette is planning a trip to this area in 2012. Before the big.... bad thing supposedly occurs. She really is a doll, caring and compassionate, a true Texas Rose.
Back to the link. They're called the Cactus Cuties and even though I'm tired of admitting this, they can choke you up and bring a tear to my eyes.
For some reason my cut and paste won't work so Google 'you tube Cactus Cuties'. And prepared to be awed!!
Watching the Budweiser Shootout last night a band I have never heard of, Zac Bown, and they were pretty good. It kinda' bristles my britches when I hear a singer or band giving 'their artistic rendition' of the NA. Man! Unless you're Jimmie Hendrix give the NA it's 'props, yo!"
More specifically I refer to the likes Roseanne Bar. She tore the song into shreds and I don't mean that in a flattering way.
I have passed this link around after receiving it from my most charming cousin Linette. Linette is planning a trip to this area in 2012. Before the big.... bad thing supposedly occurs. She really is a doll, caring and compassionate, a true Texas Rose.
Back to the link. They're called the Cactus Cuties and even though I'm tired of admitting this, they can choke you up and bring a tear to my eyes.
For some reason my cut and paste won't work so Google 'you tube Cactus Cuties'. And prepared to be awed!!
That is how the NA should be done!
Soooo... because only writing about the CC's will make to short of of a blog...I'm watching the Super Bowl and will be adding my critique of the commercials. But for now I'm out of blackberry branday. So I'm signing off.
Great Legs! Found these in the trash in New Bedford among oak scraps fo the wood stove.
The Cactus Cuties have a DVD out that will blow you away...Go to bullhead003 to order...You will thank me if you do and that is a promise...Youtube has many of their songs...Excellent kids everyone and thay love this country and it's Armed Services..
John & Dianne
Oy vay! Not sure if that's how it's spelled, it was just a frequent utterance from my father's mouth, and applies in this case! You will notice, Kevin, that you have two new followers. One is my semi-evil twin, the other is a cultkitten (don't ask). This all goes to prove the point that Texas may have its roses, but this one's no technophile! On the bright side, this one's proud to say that cousins from Massachusetts sure got some panache! :-)
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